Thursday, 18 June 2020

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Isn’t it a bittersweet situation, how we leave the accommodating environment of amniotic fluid to be ushered into this world? On one side, as babies in the uterus we love this home, because all we have to do is occupy space and everything we need is provided. No shedding of tears, no hunger, and no bacteria to colonise parts of our bodies. On the other side, we’re phased with a desire for an adventure into what the world outside the womb has to offer us. All the tender love and care; the quest to use our lungs for breathing fresh air; the craving to use our taste buds to munch on delicious meals, and the pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Thoughts of a Young Man in These COVID-19 Streets

Greetings dear ones.
This is a strange introduction. This happens to be the first time traditionally greeting my audience before presenting my message. In these times, it has become indispensable to avoid human contact, hence we ought to express our digital connection in the most natural way.

From my personal observation, the world is coming to a pause. You probably opened this article because you saw ‘COVID-19’ in the title. I’m not here to discuss what you’ve probably read – how the disease started, how it became a pandemic, what coronavirus is, what the symptoms are, preventive measures, whether the proposed medications will be effective, when the vaccine would be available for a mass rollout, and so on.