Monday, 4 November 2019

I Thought I Had Life Figured Out, But… | Greetings From Abroad II

When I was a child I was very timid, boring, lacked social skills, and full of anxiety and fear. The only thing that uplifted me was my academic abilities. Life in this modern age begins with schooling. Before I could differentiate between my left and right footwear, I was in preparatory school. I was told to follow rules. Subtly, I was introduced to what’s morally good and bad. I was told to follow instructions, even though most of the time I didn’t know the reason behind those orders. Life was quite simple then. Wake up, get prepared, walk a few meters to school, engage in class activities, come back home, finish your homework, have meals in between, and sleep.

Sunday, 1 September 2019

MONEY: Why it Should Not be the Prime Motive of Man

Do you ever wonder why money is so powerful? People end lives because of money. Wars have been fought for money. People are displaced of their homes and innocent children become orphans. Under the influence of money, people marry others they don’t love. People even birth offspring they don’t care about, just because money influenced the decision. Many, if not all human endeavours are driven by money.

How did money come into being and how did it evolve to become so powerful? They say, money is blood. This aphorism denotes money to be equal to life and vice versa. So they ask, what is life without money? One prevailing narrative in modernity is that, the ultimate goal of life is to accumulate wealth, with money being its unit. Money makes the world as we know it now to go round. However, people who lived before us, when this earth was in its nascency, may not necessarily agree with this construct. My thoughts are that before money assumed omnipotence, it was just another item like say a smartphone or any other item that we can do without.

Friday, 2 August 2019

For Immediate Release

Usually, I plan my articles. I mostly create them in my head before even opening Microsoft Word on my laptop. I read them over and over, and even get someone to proofread it before it finally gets to you. But tonight, I'm going to keep it just the way it is. I'm going to allow these ideas flow out my head like sweat in a sunny weather.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

'Greetings from Abroad' - Aqweci

It’s been a long time since I did some public speaking, it’s been donkey years since my fingertips touched a keyboard, it’s been a while since my thoughts filled a canvas to connect with you, dear reader.

It’s been three months since I migrated from Ghana to the United Kingdom. In a usual Ghanaian fashion, I have to brief you about how I’m faring.